View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Sunday May 29th, 2016 07:22 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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IRIO Firmware 7.004 has the following changes
  1. Added Temperature Sensor Function function to submodules ISM01, ISM07. This requires an external TSM01 Thermistor and allows mapped sensor to rad the temperature.
  2. Added Resistive Sensor Function to submodules ISM01, ISM07. This caters for any resistive type  sensor eg Light, Pressure etc to be mapped to sensor.
  3. Added IR with Feedback Function to ISM03 Infrared submodule which uses  Current sensor as feedback for the IR controlled device
  4. Current sensor function added Mapping to Sensor as additional to  Flag so the Sensor can be used to determine the current sensing level
This requires Comfigurator 3.11.3

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