View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Saturday Apr 16th, 2016 05:04 pm
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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I believe we have encountered this race condition in other ucms eg Zwave

When you send a command to turn on a KNX address, the counter is changed to on
The UCM/KNX sends the counter change to Comfort which broadcasts the counter changed to 255 after a slight delay
But before this, you send an Off command to the same address which turns off the KNX device. This causes the counters to report Off, but in the meantime the previous broadcast on turns on the device, thus it causes  a race condition until it settles down

There is already a fix for this (in ucm common version 7.071) but the KNX firmware was not released yet. We shall confirm it next week

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