View single post by Craig Robins
 Posted: Thursday Mar 31st, 2016 04:59 am
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Craig Robins


Joined: Monday Mar 3rd, 2014
Posts: 43

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I have been having problems with Comfort failing to apply the hour DST offset since the clocks went forward on the weekend.
I checked the SNTP settings in CSM and all seems fine. The correct time is shown and it is set to send the time to Comfort every twenty minutes. It was necessary to use the 'Submit' button before Comfort displayed the correct time. Unfortunately, it forgets again at the beginning of each day.'The event log clearly shows what is happening. Up until midnight there are regular 'Date/Time Change UCM 1' entries every 20 minutes with the final one logged at 23:52. The first one after midnight reveals the issue - it is logged at 23:12 so Comfort has clearly stopped applying the DST offset at this point. The time on the keypad confirms this. Curiously, further Date/Time changes also cease thereafter. To correct the time, it is necessary to manually submit it again via CSM, after which the regularly time updates recommence until just after midnight.
Any ideas what is going on?
I never had this problem last year but I have updated the firmware since which could account for the current problems.
The Controller firmware is 7.093 and the UCM firmware is 7.076 and Eth3GE-v2.20 

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