View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Thursday Mar 26th, 2015 04:18 pm
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ULT 7.071 Beta

Known Bugs
  1. When Zone Restore Box is checked, meaning when the zone is restored following an alarm, it may not report the zone restore to CMS or GSM in some cases. From 7.059
Changes from 7.068
  1. Wait for Timer delay action 190 - if timer value=0000, use last action value as timer value. This allows values returned from previous actions to be used as the timer delay in seconds.
  2. When Keypad broadcast announcement is disabled, if there is a full alarm (alarmstate=3), the keypad broadcast is re-enable so that the alarm sounds can be heard on all keypads.
  3. If a  counter value is changed by a UCM, Comfort will broadcast the counter change to other UCMs, but the UCM which originated the counter change will ignore the counter change, so as to avoid the UCMs counter getting changed again which may cause race effects with certain systems (like Zwave dmming) broadcast. This requires UCM of each type firmware 7.068
  4. Multiply action - fixed BUG check wrong limit. intermediate result of multiplication of 2 x 32 bit values if  > 32767 gives wrong result.
  5. Implemented action 157 divide action (requires Comfigurator > 3.10.x)
  6. prevent KP06 volume from exceeding 50 due to possible damage of speaker

Last edited on Tuesday Sep 29th, 2015 05:44 pm by slychiu

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