View single post by Swiss-Toni
 Posted: Saturday Feb 21st, 2015 07:32 pm
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Joined: Thursday Sep 15th, 2011
Location: Greater London, United Kingdom
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I thought i would share this idea for the use of a  redundant tamper switch inside the comfort panel & my sem panel (sem panel in picture). As I don't use the tamper switch in my panel as I am constantly in and out of it and I was tired of using a torch to see inside all the time I decided to rig up a led strip light inside the panel. Initially I tried to use the switch but it breaks the circuit when panel is open and unless you wire it into a zone and then use output it cant really be used.
Where the switch was i replaced it with a 19mm push on/off switch which a I bought from ebay along with some self adhesive led strip lights the total came to around £10. so not exactly expensive.

Things you should lookout for though:
Depth of switch (so as not to hit other components)
12V supply (I did not use the comfort supply for lights)

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