View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Saturday Dec 6th, 2014 12:57 pm
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Feedback for Control Menu
Each Control Key can be associated with Feedback so that the real time state of the device or appliance is known.
There are 2 fields for each Control Key; Feedback Type and Feedback Name.

Select Feedback Type from the drop-down list;
None, Zone, Analog Input, Output, Counter, Flag, X10, Sensor.

After selecting the Feedback Type, select the Feedback Name.
For example, for Feedback Type= Output, select the Output for feedback. For Feedback Type = Zone, select the Zone Name. For feedback Type = Counter, select the Counter.

In the example above, feedback Type = Zone, Feedback name = Living Room Light. This means the Living Room Zone has the feedback state of the device. It means a Current sensor connected to the zone is used to monitor the Living Room Lights state. TWS02 (Two way Lighting Module) has a lighting relay and Current sensor to control and monitor a light. When the light is turned on, the current sensor detects the current and gives the On status to the connected zone input.

If the device is controlled by an output and the status is obtained by that same output, then set Feedback Type = output.

Feedback Type Counter is used where the Counter is mapped to 3rd party systesm like KNX, C-Bus or Z-Wave.

Last edited on Saturday Dec 6th, 2014 01:00 pm by slychiu

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