View single post by Daylehouse
 Posted: Sunday Sep 21st, 2014 02:19 pm
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Joined: Thursday Jun 1st, 2006
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I installed Comfort myself, I had Comfort 1 before Comfigurator and you had to program with CCX (I think it was called) and pay for a software licence. The addition of more UCMs with added functionality has been great. I started with X10 but now run CBUS for power control, Crestron for A/V / multi-room audio and of course Comfort for security. 
I find myself using Comfort for a lot of automation logic mainly because its simple to program and solid for reliability. All of the house sub systems can communicate, I use Comfort as a "gateway" between the Crestron and C-Bus system. I avoid using PC based servers, used Homeseer years ago but found PC to less reliable. I have a rain sensor hooked up to Comfort to water my garden by triggering a pump in a water butt, last thing I need is a over-watered garden because the PC failed, so Comfort does this job just great.
Looking forward to see what is next for Comfort, nothing on the market quite like it!

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