View single post by ident
 Posted: Saturday Apr 5th, 2014 02:45 pm
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
Location: Singapore
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The following diagrams illustrate the linkage between Cbus group addresses and Comfort Registers

Lighting object is mapped to Counter or Flag
The connection is two way so the lighting object state is updated to the Comfort counter or Flag and changes in the counter or flag are also sent to the mapped group address.
In the case of Flags, only off and on values are maintained, while for Counters the values are 0 to 255
Counters and Flags can also be linked to 3rd party objects and appliances like Zwave and KNX or Comfort thermostatr and blinds functions

Lighting Object is mapped to  Comfort Output.
This synchronises the output with the lighting object so the cbus object can control the output on or off and changes in the output state controlled by comfort also update the object status.

Lighting Group is mapped to Output Toggle or Output Pulse (1-way)
In this case the output status is not sent to C-Bus. Instead Comfort Phyicsal Input can be mapped to the Lighting group to send status
This is useful when C-Bus controls airconditionng or two way lighting via Comfort where the status is provided by Comfort current sensor or external relays

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