View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Wednesday Mar 12th, 2014 01:06 pm
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Ingo thanks,  your helpful and constructive information is much appreciated

Cytech will always keep spare parts available for products even if they have been discontinued, unlike some other manufacturers

As customers and users of the forum know, whenever  a problem is reported to us, we will immediately take action to find the cause of the complaint.

The KT03 has been produced for several years and we have not had complaints about every KT03 in the house having calibration problems.  If there are any other users who have encountered this problem, please report

In general resistive touchscreens tend to lose their accuracy over time but not in 10 months.
Calibration has to be done by a pointed but not too sharp object, and not with fingers - it is a matter of physics. In our experience users seldom have to do calibration.
We are investigating if there could be a problem with the calibration or the messages that are seen.
Please return the defective KT03 to us as soon as possible so we can investigate.

The size of the buttons should be as large as possible in order to avoid errors
In the earlier templates, the keys may have been too small and may be susceptible to  location errors. The KT03 keypad template currently has much larger keys as shown below

Attachment: keypad.JPG (Downloaded 54 times)

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