View single post by Wimphot
 Posted: Monday Jan 20th, 2014 11:29 pm
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Joined: Friday Dec 21st, 2012
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Stub wrote: Wimphot wrote: 2/. I cannot program with a Mac (although I think this may have changed - I have a UCM/Eth which I bought some time back but have not gotten around to installing - I believe I can use this with a web interface - so must explore in more detail.
Haven't tried a web interface, but yeah, I have to boot-up Windows8 under Parallels to solve that lack of OSX software problem. That works well to the UCM/Eth and Comfigurator. I do all my firmware upgrades that way too.
"Haven't tried a web interface, but yeah,..."
Is here a web interface? or more accurately browser based interface?
(the answer, I know, can be found by trawling thru the forum so I am being a bit lazy I know!)

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