View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Saturday Sep 28th, 2013 07:27 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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UCM/GSM manual link should be seen, there is even a screenshot in the post introducing 3.7.5
UCM manuals should be seen but is missing in the version (still beta)

I dont think there  need not be any privileged restriction to action 43 to clear event log. These are programmed by the installer or the user and not accessed during operation.  Putting a checkbox on sign in codes and unchecking it is the same as not using the action in the first place. You can always check the user number in the response

Disarming the system is also possible by Response and this is a much higher security risk than clearing the event log. It is up to the one doing the programming to access the security risks for the end user.

There is no need for  additional commands in the protocol. You can always use the Do Action DA command to do any action eg DA2B

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