View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Saturday Sep 21st, 2013 05:53 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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UCM 7.028 is due to be released soon
The changes are (compared to 7.016)
Bugs Fixed
  1. Fixed BUG from UCM 6.020  read EEPROM 2 bytes reads 1st byte again. 
  2. Fixed BUG from UCM 6.020 erase eeprom did not work. KE erase eeprom and UCM erase eeprom did not  erase whole eeprom
  3. Fixed BUG from UCM 7.020 read from KT03 by UCM did not work. CM > UCM did not sent data
  4. Fixed BUG upload button did not work from UCM 7.020
  5. fixed BUG WD00 write to UCM own eeprom did not work
  6. Bug F! And F? Commands are the same, ie F?NNSS changes state and F!NN reples with state
Improvements and New Features
  1. Improved direct upgrade of UCM firmware
  2. Support command for enable/disable polling of zwave nodes by UCM/Zwave when needed by control menu and apps. Stop pollling of zwave nodes when log out or not monitoring by control menu
  3. RD command -  if eeprom not present, reply RDxxFFFFFF
  4. WE command   if eeprom not present reply WE0000.
  5. When UCM is not polled by Comfort, clear rs485 transmit buffer so that no old messages get sent when Comfort starts polling it again, This may fix bug that u?gets no reply or 000000 when UCM ID is not polled
  6. O?NNvv Command report parameter vv = 04 if output  is flashing. Needs Comfort firmware 7.032 for this feature
  7. F! And F? Commands are the same, ie F?NNSS changes state and F!NN reples with state
  8. KD command  can have optional ID following  eg KD0141 means Key 1 from Keypad #1 so UCM can activate another keypad. Not Implemented in Comfort yet
  9. Able to handle longer DL, UL, UD commands in future depending on Comfort
  10. Implement SN serial number command to read and write serial numbers to Comfort and UCMs Need Comfort 7.037
  11. WD commands will not write into read only area of UCM eeprom
  12. VS disable status reports for VS command and enable when VS ends to prevent interruption of  sentence download

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