View single post by ident
 Posted: Monday Jul 29th, 2013 12:07 pm
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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Reset happens after write to comfort so it is not just be pressing the reset button (which may be not easy to access anyway)

You would not want your status from Cbus and KNX to be cleared to 0 everytime you write to comfort (although the UCMs may query for the state at reset )

Take the example of a Thermostat function in Comfort
You may use Flags to keep the On or Off mode of each thermostat
Counters may be used for the temperature setpoints
Sensors receive the room temperature

After setting up these registers to perform the function, a system reset due to write to Comfort or other reset should not clear them and cause the thermostats to be switched off and setpoints to be cleared

Or perhaps you may be using the counters to keep some value or count

Are there any actual cases where the registers really need to be cleared by a reset?

An action code to "Clear All registers" should be a better solution for this, and it can be used whenever you wish, not just at reset

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