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 Posted: Saturday May 18th, 2013 07:08 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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ETH01 and ETH02 are the submodules that are plugged onto the base UCM06

UCM/ETH02 looks like below

see on the forum

ETH01 has an orange module as shown below

To set the Routing Mode, open DS Manager in Options > Settings UCM Comunications after selecting Network

The routing mode is Server (slave) for normal operations where any client needs to communicate with the UCM by addressing the message to the UCM IP address/port
This is the mode used in normal UCM/ETH02 where the PC is the client and UCM/Eth02 is a server

Client Mode is where the UCM only talks with another device (server) by their IP  address/port.  In case of Client Mode, a Destination IP address and Port is specified. This is  often used when communicating with other devices

For example if the UCM/Universal were to communicate with another Comfort's UCM/ETH02, the Universal's DS Manager settings would be as Client and the other systems IP/address and port

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