View single post by ident
 Posted: Saturday Jan 12th, 2013 05:31 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
Location: Singapore
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  1. FIXed BUG in sensor command s!NNFF return srNNFFFF, should be srFF00 to maintain compatibility with 1 byte sensor. Improved sensor handling
  2. Erase U2 EEPROM  detect EEPROM not present Allow erase U2 EEPROM command from another UCM
  3. Implement detection of duplicate ID from the same ID or by other modules and send CSnnSS command where nn = ID and ss = status 01= lost id, 02 = duplicate ID. 00 = restore id. Requires ULT 7.006
  4. Any change in sensor from Comfort will be reported in cmggccss command to update control menu status for app
Comfigurator 3.6.x will allow firmware to be upgraded using the "Check fpr Updates" feature

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