View single post by hendy
 Posted: Tuesday Oct 23rd, 2012 12:59 am
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Joined: Wednesday Sep 19th, 2007
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In order for the system to be armed to Away mode, you need to exit from your house by opening the entry door and then close it.
If the entry door is opened when you press the Away arm button then it will announce the door, just close it and few seconds later the system will be armed to Away mode.

F+1 is NOT enabling the door detector, it is bypassing the detector.
That is why when you open the door, nothing happens.
But when the system is disarmed, the system will automatically un-bypass the detector.

I suspect there may be a fault with the door detector.
To check this, go to Security Check mode by pressing F, 3, and then 2.
In this mode all open zones will be announced.
See whether your door is announced when you open it?
Closing the door will announce nothing, opening it again will announce the door name.

Don't forget to exit from this Security Check mode by pressing the F key again once you're done checking.

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