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 Posted: Thursday Dec 22nd, 2011 12:56 pm
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
Location: Singapore
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Bug Fixed
  • Fixed BUG when announce event log on phone, all KPs displayed event log as well
  • Fixed BUG from 6.006 cbus and KNX arm buttons cannot work.
  • Start Watchdog earlier after reset so a disturbance due to a lightning surge is less likely to cause the system to hang with RED and Green Leds. Enabled watchdog before testing of U4 EEPROM and DSP so as to allow watchdog to work if system hang after lightning. Suspect when system hangs, and red and green leds are on, the eeprom test failed due to surge and dsp test also failed so watchdog did not work.
  • After reset RED and GREEN leds will be off . The RED led turns on before testing U4 EEPROM
  • When there is an alarm and the keypad is used to disarm,  alarm history will not be heard automatically, as this may confuse users, menu will say "Security Off" and exit from menu
  • Initial date/time  changed date to 07 December 2011
  • Set alarmstate=0 (Idle)  before Security Off Misc Events Response so the response can re-arm if an Entry delay is active
  • Maximum  Do Action Rs485 commands increased  from 48 to 64  eg DA commands
  • RS485 receive buffer size increased from  127 to 240
  • User Numbers in Event Log and UCM messages
  • Changed user number assignments - Engineer Code from 18 to 254, Keypad arm from 90 to 240, Auto arm (Response) from 91 to 241, CMS from 94 to 244, SMS from 95 to 245, UCM Ids 17 to 24. When cbus or KNX UCM etc arm system without code, the event log will record UCM ID 17 to 24. Key arm by action 72 is recorded at User Key Arm, Action 71 Auto arm is recorded as User Response.
  • For Event Log there is incompatibility between events recorded by old firmware due to user number changes. Before upgrade,  read event log  and save
  • Key arm using KD message  reports UCM ID as user  number instead of User  240, but Key Arm by keypad will still report key arm user 240
Changes for GSM/SMS
  • Changed SMS Text message. Arm by Cbus , KNX etc without code reports User UCM ID number instead of User Keypad eg XXXX-AA-18 UCM #2 if armed by UCM#2 KNX. Before, Arm by KNX is shown as XXXX-AA-90 Keypad so it appears wrongly like armed by keypad.
  • SMS Format change to 3 digits for User, ID or Zone Number
  • GSM SMS Text message sends Alarm Type Number before alarm name and Zone/ID/User Number before its name so ucm/cms dialer can work FIXED BUG from 5.225
  • When armed by ucm eg Cbus or KNX, ID is ucm id instead of user 90 for keypad so arm by ucm is identified in event log and UCM protocol
  • SMS Alarm  "User RESP" change to "User Response". If user number arm/disarm, NN User# change to NNN User. And User#KP to User KP ie removed #
New Features
  • Supports 96 Inputs and Outputs. Slaves which are on ID 4 and 5 require SEM firmware 6.007. Comfigurator 3.4.3 is needed. KP04 firmware minimum is 1.018
Known Issues
  • Assigning Output to Security > Status LED will cause KP Home/Armed LED to show the wrong status (from 5.220)
  • Engineer User number 254 is not supported by Comfigurator version up to 3.4.3, so if "Require Engineer Code to write to Comfort" is checked in Modules and Settings, the engineer code is not accepted. To work-around, uncheck the "Require Engineer code" option before upgrading to 6.011, then do write to Comfort. This ensures that a user code can be used to write to comfort
  • Transfer > Sentences Tables Upgrade does not work unless Vocab Upgrade has been done earlier. It causes the voice to be lost temporarily
  • Scheduled Reminder Messages do not work at the correct time (from 5.173)
Note that known issues are not necessarily new to this version
Please download firmware file from

Note that products may not come with the latest firmware when bought from distributors. Please check the website or forum for the latest firmware and upgrades

Last edited on Friday Nov 15th, 2013 12:59 am by ident

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