View single post by ident
 Posted: Wednesday Sep 21st, 2011 12:58 pm
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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Ingo wrote: 1. 'Object Align' function in KT03 Editor.
2. Ability to send Cbus commands from KT03 and not just Responses.
Object align ? How would that work. What would the object align to?

Sendinf Cbus commands from KT03 is very difficult to do, because the elements have certain properties like set counter, set sensor, Do Response etc - very compact functions. Allowing people to create a string of cbus commands of uncertain  length does not fit into that communication design. The whole KT03 operation would have to be  redesigned
In practice it is not a  hassle to specify a Response and create it on the spot
Futhermore once a Response is created you have the possibiity of using it elsewhere instead of having to do it all over again

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