View single post by ndh
 Posted: Wednesday Sep 21st, 2011 09:39 am
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Joined: Sunday Apr 30th, 2006
Location: Wallington, United Kingdom
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Building a flexible Time Clock on a KT03 ......

I can see that buttons can enable or disable Comfort Time Programs.

I can see the KT03 Schedules (but I don't see they can be turned on or off other than during KT03 configuration. i.e. missing a KT03 'System Action Type' or via a Response an Action 'KT03 Schedule Enable / Disable'). Embedding flags to Enable / Disable is probably possible though.

What is not available is flexible time of day functions. e.g. setup 2 ON Buttons and 2 OFF Buttons for each day of the week.

So my wish would be for Counter Function(s) that hold and manipulate time (Flexible but will use 2 x 4 x 7 Counters in the above example?) or at least the ability to set a Time Program Time. The latter in the above example would use 4 x 7 Time Programs in Comfort (out of 32 available)

Any comments appreciated (or even better clever workarounds!)


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