I decided to put my enhancement request on the forum to see if other people would also like these added features to the KT03 Touch Screen.
1. Have an Align function so you can align one object wrt another object. Either vertical or horizontal position.
2. Snap-to-Grid function to place objects quicker and not having to adjust them one pixel at a time.
3. Move Page 'Names' either up or down so that you have EG. Home, Zone1, Zone2 arrangement and not end up with Zone1, Home, Zone 2 and you can't rearrange it.
4. Lastly, and my personal favourite. Have an Object Action execute more than just a Response or Key, execute an Action Code. In my case, I want to add a Cbus Action Code to switch a light On|Off.
IngoLast edited on Friday Nov 16th, 2012 06:26 pm by Ingo