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Pending Messages button
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 Posted: Tuesday Mar 20th, 2012 09:30 pm
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Comfort Installers

Joined: Sunday Nov 5th, 2006
Location: Kingston Upon Thames, United Kingdom
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Assuming use of the common mailbox - Is there a way to program a button to KT03 homepage that will, without signing in -

1. Show status if there are waiting messages on the answerphone (similar to flashing led status) and/or
2. Jump straight to message menu.

Alternatively, if sign in cannot be bypassed for common mailbox, on sign in if there are unread messages, is there a way to jump immediately to a page where I can then display message menu buttons specifically designed to look like answerphone buttons as opposed to the keypad display.


 Posted: Wednesday Mar 21st, 2012 01:25 pm
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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You need to sign in as this is the only way to know which user it is.

In KT03 configurator, you should start with the template supplied - Load Template and select kt03def.kt3x This loads the predefined pages which you can modify as you wish

There is no visual display of messages available - the flashing MSG LED would be best for this purpose.

You can add a button with the KeypadKey Keyhash which is like the # key. This announces "New Message for .." when there are new messages

To go to mesages menu you can program a function key to go dorect to the messages menu (Keypad Menu Messages)

Then program a button to activate the functiion key. This will directly go to the messages menu

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