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Programming the KT03
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 Posted: Saturday Oct 9th, 2010 10:27 am
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The KT03 is connected to Comfort by 6 wires (use CAT 5 preferably shielded), exactly the same as any other Comfort Keypad.

The KT03 screens and buttons are programmed using Comfigurator (use Comfigurator 3.9.x or later), but a separate programming connection to KT03 is needed. The KT03 has its own USB interface accessed when the Front Bezel is removed. The supplied USB cable is connected to an unused USB port on your computer. You do not need another UCM to connect to KT03. The same USB driver is used as the UCM/USB. When programming Comfort with one or more KT03s, you will need to Write to KT03, as well as Write to Comfort. Each KT03 contains its own Flash memory for its screens, images and behaviour.

To start, Connect the KT03 to Comfort. To set the ID of the KT03  go to the KT03 Home screen which will look something like this

Press Setup to go to the setup screenA keypad will appear for you to enter the user code. Please enter the user 1 code which is the master code which is allowed to enter programming mode.If the code is authorised, the Setup menu appears

Select ID, then set the ID of the KT03 from 1 to 8.Unlike other Comfort Keypads, the ID is set on screen instead of by shunts.

Press Back to accept the ID and  go back to Setup.

Connect the UCM (USB, RS232 or Eth) to the PC, open a new file, go to the Modules Tab, Right Click and Scan for Keypads (or Scan All Modules)

a popup window will appear asking for the user code
This scans for all the keypads and modules connected to Comfort.The KT03 should appear after scanning
(If the KT03 is not connected to Comfort at this time, then right-click on Keypads and select Add Keypad.)

The result after scanning should be similar to the screen below, where keypads including KT03 are shown with individual IDs 1 to 8. Select the Keypad on the left pane which corresponds to the KT03 in this example ID2

In Keypad Properties;
  • Id is the Keypad ID of this KT03. It can be from 1 to 8
  • Name is the name assigned to this keypad using Comfigurator
  • Type should be KT03
  • Volume is the volume of the voice on this KT03 (0 to 100)
In KT03 Properties,
  • Orientation can be Landscape or Portrait for the screen
  • Character Set (Latin-1, Latin-2, Latin-3, Latin-4 and Chinese) allows different languages to be selected for text display
  • Home Page shows the KT03 Home Page shown on power on or reset
  • USB Serial Number should show the discovered USB serial Number.  To find the USB serial number, connect the SB cable between the KT03 and PC and after the driver has been installed, click on USB serial number and look for the serial number in the drop down list. Note that this is the USB connection of the KT03, NOT for the UCM/USB.
In KT03 System Properties,
  • ID, Beep, Speaker, Announcements, Screen Timeout, backlight, IR Receive, Speaker Internal/External,  Tamper  settings can be seen
Load Template in the menu bar to load a .kt3x file with a sample page design
Look in Comfigurator> Config folder

A sample KT03 configuration file is attached for reference to be used for the rest of this exercise which shall be updated

The Tabs across the top of the KT03 page has Properties (this page), Pages, Schedules and Triggers, which shall be explained next

Last edited on Sunday May 24th, 2015 12:12 pm by

 Posted: Sunday Oct 10th, 2010 01:25 pm
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The instructions here refer to KT03 Firmware 7.069 with Comfigurator 3.10.3 and above
KT03 Properties

Select the KT03 in the left pane. The KT03 pages can be seen in the centre pane as shown below

In the KT03 System Properties section, the following properties are shown;
This is the ID of the KT03 (read Only)

Select On or Off for the beep sounds when a button is pressed on KT03

Select On or Off to enable/disable the KT03 Speaker. Set off for no sounds from the KT03

Select On or Off to enable/disable Announcements on KT03, eg Security armed or disarmed, alarm announcements, and open zones during arming. If announcements are disabled, they will be automatically enabled when a full alarm is activated, and disabled after the system is disarmed.

Screen Timeout
This is the timeout for the screen to turn off if the KT03 is not touched

Select On or Off to enable/disable the KT03 screen backlight

IR Receive
Select On or Off to enable/disable the IR receive port (only available with the translucent black frame).

Speaker Internal/External
Select Internal for normal KT03 speaker, External to enable the external audio connection at the back of the KT03 to be connected to an external amplifier

Select On or Off to enable/disable the Internal Tamper alarm when the KT03 is removed from the base

These system properties were formerly accessed from the SETUP screen of the KT03 only instead of in Comfigurator
Applicable in KT03 firmware 7.069 and Comfigurator 3.10.3

Last edited on Sunday May 24th, 2015 01:09 pm by

 Posted: Sunday Oct 10th, 2010 02:45 pm
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The Pages Tab is shown

This shows all the pages in KT03 that have been configured by default. 
The list of pages is shown on the left pane , and a thunbnail of the pages is shown on the right pane
Click on the page name on the left or the thumbnail on the right pane to edit the page. The Home Page is shown below;

Each Page is made of Elements. an Element  can display text, images, values, shapes, date/time etc. They also allow commands to be sent to Comfort when the button is pressed or system actions or page jump. The image displayed can also change depending on the status of the variable that is monitored.
Elements can be selected and placed on any page. Clicking on an element  allows the editing of the properties of the element on the right pane. Clicking on an element with the CONTROL key pressed triggers any page jump and simulates  visual changes similar to touching the element on the unit. The size of the image can be changed by dragging its edges or corners or entering the numbers for position and size.

Elements are shown below at the menu bar

The Elements are (from left);
  • Button - select circle, rectangle, styles with border, and Images.  Each button has on and off image and are active ie they can send commands to comfort and have status updated by comfort.
  • Text - enter static text to be displayed (as label)
  • Image - select static image files from libraryto be displayed,
  • Value  - display numeric value 0 to maximum, select scaling factor. Select text for unit of  Temp in F or C,  Voltage, Humidity etc as a label. Comfort  Status will change number displayed
  • Slider - with min and max values 0 to 255. Status from Comfort will change position of the slider. The slider is an  active element ie it can send commands to comfort and have status updated by comfort
  • Clock - Time, or Date selectable date format MMDDYYYY or DDMMYYYY.  The date and time display is updated by KT03
  • Security Mode - 5 states (Security Off, Away, Night, Day, Vacation) with icons. There are 5 images associated with the modes which are displayed when the mode changes
  • Alarm State (renamed from Security state) - 4 states (Idle, Trouble, Alert, Alarm) with icons. There are 4 images associated with the states which are displayed when the state changes
  • Messages - display  message from external sources sent through a UCM05 or other UCM type eg Cbus
  • Zone State - 4 states (Off, On, Trouble, Bypass) with icons. This shows the state of a zone. There are 4 images associated with thestates which are  displayed when the state changes
  • Zone Name - displays the current Active Zone in alarm or open zone while arming
To place an Element on a KT03 page, click on an element in the element Bar, and position the element on the page using the cursor. Use the cursor to size the element on the page.

The Element Properties on the right pane has the following tabs
  • Visual
  • Comfort Action
  • System
  • Status
  • Page Jump

Last edited on Sunday May 24th, 2015 01:07 pm by

 Posted: Sunday May 24th, 2015 12:15 pm
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Visual Properties
  • Locked. If checked Prevents the element from being moved
  • Position and Size - change the position and size by entering values. You can also drag and drop the element via he handles
  • Border
    • Border Shape - None, Rectangle, Rounder Rectangle, Ellipse
    • Radius - for Rounded Rectangle
    • Border Width - 1 to 5
    • Border Status Indicatiion - If True it allows the border to change between Solid, Dotted, Dashed and Double based on the Element Status
  • Text Status Indication - If true allows different text to be displayed depending on the Element Status eg "Off" and "On" The Active and Inactive Text can be specified based on the element status
  • Text Alignment - 9 positions (Top Left, Top Centre, Top Right, Middle Left, Middle centre, Middle Right, Botto Left, Bottom  centre,  Bottom right
  • Active Image - Select Image (jpg, bmp, gif file)
  • Inactive Image - Select Image (jpg, bmp, gif file)
Action Properties
  • Comfort Action Type - None, Response, Key, Increment Counter, Decrement Counter, Toggle Counter, Output On, Output Off, Output Toggle, Flag On, Flag Off, Flag Toggle.
  • System Action Type - This performs an action on KT03
    • B
    • acklight Off (0)
    • Switch on Backlight
    • Backlight On (1)
    • Switch on Backlight
    • Infrared Receiver Off (2)
    • Disable IR Receiver
    • Infrared Receiver On (3)
    • Enable IR Receiver
    • Speaker Off (4)
    • Disable Speaker
    • Speaker On (5)
    • Enable Speaker
    • Screen Off (6)
    • Turn off screen
    • Screen On (7)
    • Turn on screen
    • Alarm History (8)
    • Show visual Alarm History (on zones screen). This action causes the KT03 to show the sequence of zone activations starting with the arming of the security system. The KT03 will start recording the zone activation and deactivation and the date/time of the event when the system is armed. For alarm history the screen shows each event of zone on and off and arm/disarm of security system in serquence with the date and time of each event. The alarm history is erased when the system is armed and a new history is recorded. Maximum no of events  recorded = 64. If more events, ignore, as earlier events are more important
    • Null (255)
Status Properties
  • None
  • Input Zone (Input #, state=on/off). On and Off states will select the selected image
  • Output (Output #, state=on/off). On and Off states will select the selected image
  • Counter (counter# 0 -255, value 0-255)
  • Sensor Register (sensor #, value= 0-255)
  • Trouble
  • X10 (Housecode, Unitcode, on/off)
  • Trouble Conditions  (On/Off)- AC Failure, Low Battery, Zone Trouble, RS485 Trouble, Tamper, Phone Trouble, GSM Trouble.
    • Trouble Parameter (Value) - Zone Trouble, RS485 Comms ID, Alarm User Number, Alarm Type, Zone Not Ready, RS485 Alarm ID
Page Jump Properties
Jump to Page

Last edited on Sunday May 24th, 2015 01:11 pm by slychiu

 Posted: Sunday May 24th, 2015 01:13 pm
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The Comfort Action Types are  described here
The Zone Name Element is described here

Last edited on Monday May 25th, 2015 06:50 pm by slychiu

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