I managed to create virtual node and map it to ouput and be able to control from zwave primary control ... but the problem when i create virtual node is automatically acknowledge as multi level switch ( dimmer switch ) ... So anyone could help me how to create normal/standart on off only ?
Or I made a mistake in creating the virtual node ? The way i creating virtual node for fibaro ( similar with the process at ucm zwave manual ) :
1. turn on add new device at fibaro menu, after that click "create virtual node" at comfort
2. after virtual node created and fibaro add new device at its network. Mapped the vitual node to output i want
I curious with this mechanism, which one ( comfort or main controller ) has right to define/ identify the new device ? Why not the mechanism : comfort define/create new device and choose/define the type of device that we want to create, mapped to output or other else ... after that "announce" it as new device at zwave network ?
thank you Attachment: zwaVE.jpg (Downloaded 36 times) Last edited on Wednesday Sep 23rd, 2015 06:29 pm by bagushandhoko