The current "RP" event presumably starts when the phone first rings.
Is it feasible to extend the protocol such that it sends RPxx instead with maybe RP01 as ring start and RP00 as ring end? I'm assuming here you know when the bell starts and ends ring.
Why? I'd like to build into ComfortClient UI such that if you are remote and the phone is ringing you get a visual indicator (something flashing say, maybe a screen border or something). I cant do that at the moment as all you get is a single RP event when ringing starts and no indicator when it hangs up.
It funny that you should request this, a while ago I've added a feature to the Simulator to allow Simulator-Specific commands to be recognised. These are:
1. b? - Returns all the Bypassed Zones in one query, and now
2. (New)RP01/00 - Phone Ring and Phone Stop Ring.
This was just done for my own benefit so perhaps Cytech can see value in these commands and put it on their roadmap for the future.
If someone doesn't want these commands to be 'accepted' then just uncheck the checbox in the Simulator. It's currently hidden but I will make it visible in the next release.
Hi Julian
I may be possible to send RP00 when the phone stops ringing in the future
It can determine that the ringing has stopped only after a minimum of 4 seconds as some countries have a long pause between rings
I think that would be acceptable at even 4 seconds. If the phone was ringing for a long period then maybe it could send:
1) RP01 for ring start
2) RP00 for hang-up
3) RP02 every 5 secs (or whatever you deem appropriate) during ring cycle
I'd add(3)for long ring cycles so we can tell it is still active rather than somehow we've just missed the hang-up event on the bus. I'd then probably do a "hard stop" after say 2 minutes in local code if for any reason an RP00 had not been received.
The Doorbell works similar. DB<id> is sent on Doorbell press and DBFF sent when it's answered. There is no continous DB<id> command being sent so for 'easier' implementation Cytech could perhaps just copy the DB command routine.
What it does do is to send DB<id> every time you press the Door bell button. Perhaps send RP01 on every ring current detection. It might get 'noisy' in countries with short ring cadence - like RSA, but I am sure a small delay can fix that. EG tring.tring...........tring.tring, so just wait XXXmS before sending another RP command. For the US with triiiiiiiing..........triiiiiiiiing it will work fine.